what is design?
what is elegance?
what is economical?
what is life-saving?
Are the MDGs the Best Place to Start?
Product design initiatives for Humanity, Habitats, Health, and Happiness.
Project H Design is a charitable organization that supports, inspires, and delivers life-improving humanitarian product design solutions. We champion industrial design as a tool to address social issues, a vehicle for global life improvement, and a catalyst for individual and community empowerment.
Project H Design encourages the reorientation of the design industry towards a more socially-impactful and humanitarian entity through a variety of Initiatives that include design thinking, production and distribution, funding, design academics, and local chapter projects.
Grain mission
Doing Good is Good for People, the Planet and for Business
"If you read my work, you likely know that I believe every person and every business and institution should make an effort to put people ahead of all else and contribute to making the planet a better place to live and work."
Seventh Generation is a business that operates according to a new and different set of principles… We work to create a corporate culture in which people are energized and fulfilled as members of an intentional community.
"Today, we live in a world of increasingly widespread social disruption caused by imbalances in the natural and societal systems human beings depend upon for survival. Our civilization is overly reliant on non-renewable sources of energy. Our economic system spends more on weapons than schools. Our oceans are being scoured clean of life. Chemicals in our food, air, water, and soils air are disrupting our health. The list seems nearly endless and it leads to perhaps the most pernicious dilemma of all: problem fatigue and the widespread cynicism and powerlessness it generates.
"In response to these and other challenges, new ways of looking at purpose-based business-ing is slowly and yet, progressively happening. Seventh Generation is a business that operates according to a new and different set of principles, values that in many ways are marked departure from those long considered “traditional.” We offer employees avenues not to express their greed and ambition but their idealism, passion, and commitment to causes larger than themselves. We promote this approach to doing business not only among our employees, but to each of our stakeholders from manufacturing partners to our consumers."
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